Sat nam - Class is paused as I embark on an adventure. I’ll be back in April or May

Janet Howard

KRI Certified Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Instructor

Kundalini Yoga is the foundation of my health and stability in a chaotic world. I have struggles and good times, sadness and joy and the consistent practice is the most important tool in my toolbox for living a healthy, authentic life. I am committed to raising my vibration and seeking others on a spiritual journey. - heal ourselves, heal each other and health the world. Sat nam.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini yoga combines movement, meditation, breath work and mantra. The powerful practice acts as a vessel, holding you safe as you wend your way through layers of protection and false beliefs, finding the way to the inner warrior - the quiet observer inside. Come as your perfect self, with whatever is going on in your life. No experience necessary. We create a sacred place - all are welcome.

About the practice

  • Kundalini Yoga

    Each practice has a “kriya,” a series of activities: breath (pranayam), postures (asana), meditation and mantra, for specific outcomes. To name a few, there are kriyas for stress, the nervous system, to relax and release fear, releasing anger and for get up and go spirit. The practice works out held in emotion, releases blocks, increases the flow of energy and helps connect to inner power and vulnerability, letting go of old and outdated strategies - strategies that may have been necessary a long time ago - but not anymore.

    Private consult upon request.

    Happy, Healthy, Holy Organization (3HO) - association for Kundalini

    3HO Overview of Kundalini Yoga

    3HO Practice Guidelines

    3HO Featured Kriyas

    The Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) has blogs, research, manuals, teacher training.

    A few beginner Kriyas: Kriya for Elevation, Kriya to Open the Heart Center, Basic Spinal Energy Series, Balancing and Awakening to Your Ten Bodies

  • Meditation

    Meditation is built directly into the kundalini yoga kriya - by following a Kundalini Yoga Kriya - you are introduced to short meditations and in between each posture, we inhale, exhale and pause before moving to the next posture. Kundalini yoga meditations can also be done on their own.

    3HO (Association for Kundalini Yoga) offers 10 Rights for a Kundalini Yoga Student.

    Get started: Kirtan Kriya, Long Sat Nams, 7 Wave Sat Nam, Ad Guray Nameh, Subagh Kriya.

    Learn more about Kundalini meditation from 3HO and Spirit Voyage. The Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) offers meditation resources, blog posts, classes, publications and studies, demonstrating measurable impact of yoga, meditation and mantra.

  • Mantra

    Mantra helps clear the busy mind and connect on a higher energetic frequency.

    Before every Kundalini Yoga practice - we tune in with the Adi Mantra. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo - I bow to divine wisdom.

    It opens the heart, raises vibration and elevates us above lower energies. Mantra is built into kriyas or can be practiced separately.

    Consider starting out by picking a mantra and practicing every day for 40 days. There are mantras for overcoming challenges, opening the heart, letting go, healing, strength, protection. Spirit Voyage lists mantras, meaning, mudras (position of hands) and artists. Mantra artist Snatam Kaur explains what the aquarian mantras mean and the impact they have.