Shamanic Energy Medicine & Reiki touch

Are energetic, emotional, spiritual or physical challenges blocking your path forward?

Letting go of a painful past, releasing what no longer serves, improving sleep, reducing stress, finding one’s inner power - all of these things can be supported through energy release and balance and are a key strategy in a healthy, vibrant, liberating lifestyle - one built on love - not fear.

Are you ready to let go but feel that you hold onto things in your energy field? Past lives, trauma, life challenges, exhausting relationships or place of work - they are held in the aura and can get stuck - leading to circular patterns and repetitive life experiences.

My offerings complement your healing interventions on an energetic level through a menu of interventions including:

  • clearing blocked chakras (energy centers impacted by whatever situation you are looking to address)

  • cord cutting,

  • soul retrieval,

  • dense energy extraction and

  • dream analysis

Together, we discuss next steps and set intention for your journey. I look forward to working with you. Love, Janet

appointment & waiver

On my healing journey, love for planet earth and all its creatures — I was led to learn more about sacred ceremony, power animals and ancient healing practices from Peru. Thanks to The Four Winds Society, I am certified as a master practitioner of shamanic energy medicine. I am trained in deep energy clearing with Cuyas - sacred stones - illumination and extraction of dense energies. I enjoy creating sacred space for energy balancing and sacred earth ceremonies.

Many years as a Reiki Master complement the offerings to my unique offerings for total health. I am currently taking appointments in downtown Amherst. I use ancient healing practices with integration of reiki principles to release blocks and enhance energetic flow.

Email or 413/230-6946

Learn more about my training here.

Janet has been an amazing guide and teacher who has allowed me to continue my development and dedication to self-care and spirituality with a combination of in-person and Zoom classes. I’m ever grateful for her gentle way of teaching and expertise and skill that has allowed me to continue to grow in my spiritual and physical practice.
— Pam


I have used many different kinds healing treatments and body work to reduce tension and stress. I thought I preferred the more intense treatments, especially deep-tissue massage. I thought I had to experience the strong sensation to release the tension in my body. I was delighted and surprised to realize that this is not true. Janet’s approach was gentle. It felt like she was barely touching me, but I could feel her presence and healing energy. I felt calm and relaxed. That night, I slept better than I had in weeks. Typically, I wake in the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep due to ruminating thoughts. I am sure I slept well because of the Reiki treatment. As a practitioner, Janet is generous, kind, informative, present and professional. I would happily return for more Reiki sessions with Janet and make it an integral part of my healing.
— Grace
This was my first time getting a treatment and I really didn’t know what to expect. Janet immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease and explained enough (but not too much!) about what would be happening over the next hour. Truthfully, I’m still not sure I can explain how it works, nor do I know exactly what she did, but all I know is, I felt amazingly relaxed and calm in a way I hadn’t felt in a long time. Janet’s approach is so gentle and reassuring, and I felt held in a profound way, even though there wasn’t a lot of pressure in the hands-on work. At the end of the session, I felt like I was floating on air, as if so much pressure and tension had been released and the feeling lasted for quite a while. I couldn’t recommend Janet more highly. She has such a healing presence.
— Debra