What is the Kundalini Yoga Class Like?

My goal is for Kundalini Yoga at the White Barn Studio is to feel safe. Feel free. Feel accepting. Feel connected. Safe to feel and release emotions that bubble up. Safe to cry, shake, release, laugh or take a break. Safe to make modifications, where necessary. Free to ask questions.

After class - I feel my most authentic self - happy, relaxed, at peace and clear and vibrant :)  

We get together - I turn on my computer for both a live and hybrid experience.

You place your mat where you desire. I have mantra music playing. I often have the mantra music that we will chant to later in class so you can get a flavor for it. 

We start with a short meditation, leaving our thoughts at the door. We sit with a straight spine and I pick an oracle card that we ponder or use as a theme for the class - like a goddess card or spirit animal card or energy oracle card.

We tune in by chanting the Adi Mantra - we chant three times - which means we bow to divine wisdom. We honor the teachers before us. The mantra sets our intention as we step into the pratice.

We chant a mantra of protection. The words are meant to convey healing and consciousness, and each word contributes to the experience. (Sikh Dharma International.)


We end our practice with gratitude, and a long Sat and a short nam chant - meaning - truth as an identity.

I hope you will give it a try and come join us. The practice transformed my life. All our welcome - modifications are available for any posture.

Come as your perfect self - with whatever is going on in your life. You can see my training here.

Love and sat nam, Janet

We may do some warm ups and then start the kriya. Each week we have a different kriya which includes a series of postures, breathwork and movement - with a specific goal in mind like releasing fear, disease resistance, glandular balance, elevation and so on.

When finished, we rest - I often play a sound frequency from Meditative Mind for activating the heart chakra. And then we chant mantra.

For those of you that find quieting the mind difficult, mantra is very helpful. We focus on the sounds - the naad - and this supports the break from the thinking habit. We stop trying to figure everything out. We use the science of sound to raise our energetic vibration