The Follow Your Gut blog chronicles my experience in gut and brain health under the guidance of Alberto Villoldo’s book, Grow a New Body.
If you follow your gut, the way I do - for direction, energy reading and decision-making- then it should be as healthy as possible.
Start at the bottom if you want to “start at the very beginning… a very good place to start….” love, Janet
Finish Line
Allison and I made it - we are finished with the week-long Alberto Villoldo “Grow a New Body Program.” Here are our ponderings on the experience:
a Sacred Act
“Growing a New Body” - with Alberto Villoldo’s book, is a sacred act. My tummy is where I held my fear - ever since I was a little girl - it’s time to nourish it back to health.
Sugar Comfort
“Do you sleep well? Can you recall your dreams in the morning when you wake up? Are you able to dream lucidly, knowing you’re dreaming while you’re in the dream? Do you learn rapidly? Are you able to adapt to new situations rapidly? Are you able to leave work stress in the office and not take it home?” - Dr. Villoldo states that if you answer no to any of the questions, you need to upgrade your gut.
Grow a New Body
Follow your gut - Join me in growing a new body under the guidance of Alberto Villoldo’s book, “Grow a New Body.” If you follow your gut, the way I do - for direction, energy reading and decision-making- then it should be as healthy as possible.