Love for the planet leads me on a healing path of truth.


Honor your scars. You earned them. Wear them with pride.

  • 13-Part, on-demand, Read, Write & Release Workshop

    With my healing memoir, and its pondering workbook with writing prompts for each essay - enter into a sacred space for kundalini yoga and a writing habit.

    With breath work, movement, meditation, mantra and writing prompts - explore the landscape of your life. Ponder and process the life experience. Release what no longer serves and receive earned wisdom and hidden gifts.

  • Kundalini Yoga

    Kundalini yoga combines movement, meditation, breath work and mantra. The powerful practice acts as a vessel, holding you safe as you wend your way through layers of protection and false beliefs, finding the way to the inner warrior - the quiet observer inside. Come as your perfect self, with whatever is going on in your life.

  • Field Notes on Letting Go - a memoir of truth-seeking, healing, & personal freedom

    For people that want to drop the script they’ve been forced to follow, write a new narrative, and live free from fear. Accompanied by its Pondering Workbook for further exploration of the landscape of life, connection to nature, and to your inner child for healing and personal freedom.

  • Energy Medicine

    Are energetic, emotional, spiritual or physical challenges blocking your path forward?

    Letting go of a painful past, releasing what no longer serves, improving sleep, reducing stress, finding one’s inner power - all of these things can be supported through energy release and balance and are a key strategy in a healthy, vibrant, liberating lifestyle - one built on love - not fear.

  • New Offering: Healing Retreat

    NEW: Join Janet for a two to ten day curated retreat at Rosehip26 in downtown Amherst. Practice together, creating a firm foundation with Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Mantra, Reading & Writing, Energy Medicine, Whole Foods and Fun.

  • Pondering Blog

    Exploring lessons from life’s teachers.

  • Self-care Journal

    The 13-day journey & 2nd vision quest - documents a focus on self-care after a crisis landed me on my bottom — old strategies emerged - strategies that aren’t good for me. The 13 - days focus on a foundation for emotional, spiritual and physical health and how to best prepare for and endure the storms of life.

  • Follow Your Gut Blog

    The Follow Your Gut blog chronicles my experience in gut and brain health under the guidance of Alberto Villoldo’s book, Grow a New Body.

    If you follow your gut, the way I do - for direction, energy reading and decision-making- then it should be as healthy as possible.

  • Air BNB

    Relaxing and Healing - the Perfect Spot-- Quiet dead end street, in-town location - walk to UMASS, Amherst College, coffee shops, playground. Energy medicine and yoga by appointment.

    Rosehip26 - earth-love and healing

  • Basket of Energetic Offerings

    Crafted specifically for the needs of retreat centers, trauma recovery programs and training centers, a menu of energy balancing offerings support the needs of your clientele.

Loving Earth Mother

This audio essay is an excerpt from my essay, “Loving Earth Mother” from my book, “Field Notes on Letting Go - a memoir of truth-seeking, healing, and personal freedom.” Sat nam, for truth, Love, Janet

Listen to conversation with Sia on her podcast - Sacred HERstory - emotions, earned wisdom and the ironwood tree.

Field Notes on Letting Go - a memoir of truth-seeking, healing, and personal freedom

Field Notes on Letting Go is for people that want to drop the script they’ve been forced to follow, write a new narrative, and live free from fear. It is accompanied by Field Notes on Letting Go - A Pondering Workbook for further exploration of the landscape of life, connection to nature, and to your inner child for healing and personal freedom.

Listen to HealthCetera podcast

4 minute video explaining the workshop!

Read, Write & Release Workshop
One time

13-class on-demand workshop on finding balance in a complicated world.

✓ 13 sessions ranging from 1:15 to 1:45 minutes each
✓ On-demand for a pace that fits your schedule
✓ Chant mantra with music from five artists
✓ Create a writing practice for processing the life experience
✓ Resource for your community (reach out for pricing)